Hair care without silicones for healthy long hair
Do without silicones – a benefit for the hair
First, let me explain roughly what happens when you expose your hair to silicone-containing shampoo and conditioners. The silicone settles on the surface of the individual hair and forms a shell around it. This cover glues the open areas, making the hair look healthier on the outside. So far so good – but this has a big disadvantage.
The sheath formed around the hair “does not protect the hair as promised in advertising , but prevents moisture from getting to the hair, which additionally dries out the hair.
You will notice this at the latest when you wash your hair with silicone-free shampoo for a few weeks. This was the case with me when I was 14, because I had to let off almost 15cm of hair at the hairdresser at that time. After that, only silicone-free shampoo came into question and this decision I do not regret a single day and can only warmly recommend it to you.
How to recognize silicone-free shampoo?
If it is not directly noted on the package, then it helps to take a closer look at the ingredients. Products that end in -cone, -conol,-glycol or -oxane should better be avoided, as they indicate silicones.
Particularly good silicone-free shampoos and conditioners are available from Balea. I currently use the oil repair shampoo and the glossy brown conditioner from Balea.
Note: Your conditioner should also be free of silicones, as there is usually a higher percentage of silicones hidden here.
Also, if you have a tendency to dandruff, itching or reddened scalp, you should try silicone-free shampoo. Because as the silicone forms a film around your hair, it is also deposited on the scalp and can stick to it.
Do you want especially strong and healthy hair? Then help your hair with a rich additional care.
Want to know what you should rather avoid, then check here.